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8 Secrets of great savers

8 Secrets of great savers

From forming a hand-me-down club to exchanging household items while helping friends move, here are eight tips from great savers to make the most out of your money

Wondering how to save more money but have no idea where to cut? In this article, we dive into eight secrets of super savers that can make your money go further and help you live a more financially secure life. 

1. Form a “hand-me-down” club

Children’s clothing stores have a great racket going: Since kids grow so fast, their clothes quickly become unwearable even though they still look nice. So, parents buy a constant stream of new apparel to keep up with their growing kids. Instead of enriching the coffers of your local kids’ clothing store, organise a club of parents from your child’s school or daycare to exchange hand-me-down clothing.

"Organise a club of parents from your child’s school or daycare to exchange hand-me-down clothing"

Twice a year, in the autumn and spring, everyone can bring in clothing that is still in good condition but no longer fits, and you can quickly assemble a new wardrobe for your child while getting rid of items you no longer need. Just make sure a wide range of ages is represented at the gathering, rather than only kids in one grade. That way, you will always have bigger clothes working their way into your trading system.

2. Get socks of one colour

8 Secrets of great savers - different coloured socks being worn against a yellow wall backgroundCredit: Amel Uzunovic

Always buy the same colour and style of socks for your child—preferably white, since you can bleach them when they are stained. Since socks invariably vanish, when you lose one of a pair, you can pair it up with another, because they are all identical.

You will never be stuck with an “orphaned” sock that has no match. Just imagine how the clothing manufacturers will grit their teeth as you stroll right by that display stand of socks in every imaginable colour and texture.

3. Get the most at the petrol pump

When petrol prices soar, every extra road you drive to find bargains put more money into the pockets of big oil companies. But you can do your bit to get back at these giant corporations with one simple step: fill up your car during the morning or late evening.

"You will get more distance for your money than you would if you filled up at noon when the temperature is higher"

Petrol becomes denser when the temperature is cool. Since the petrol pump only measures the volume of the petrol you put into your car, when the petrol is denser, you get a greater quantity for what the petrol pump measures. You will get more distance for your money than you would if you filled up at noon when the temperature is higher.

4. Take a job for a discount

If you are looking for a part-time job, fill out applications at shops where you frequently make purchases, such as clothing or sporting goods shops, which give their employees a discount. If you have teenagers in your home who are ready for a job, encourage them to work at your family’s favourite stores with employee discounts too. Not only will you benefit from the discount, but you will also gain access to a new world of inside information on upcoming sales!

5. Skip the premium channel

8 Secrets of great savers - person's hand holding a remote control with a TV in the backgroundCredit: Rainer Puster

If you pay for a premium film channel to watch a particular series, you can bet that TV bigwigs are getting a laugh over how much they are charging you for a few hours of entertainment. Call your TV company today to cancel your subscription to the channel. These series typically only contain 12 or so episodes per season, and you then have to wait for many months—or even years—before the next season begins.

All the while, you are paying those bloated fees to the company. Instead, ask a friend who pays for the channel to record the show for you or wait a few months and rent the whole series for cheaper.

6. Turn your back on the vending machines

Want to get a raise for the coming year? Stop buying your beverages and snacks from the vending machine at work. Think about the amount you could save by bringing your own drink and crisps!

"Stop using vending machines that are more about convenience than they are about products"

If your worksite has a refrigerator, store your drinks and cold snacks there. If not, bring them in a tiny cooler. Stop using vending machines that are more about convenience than they are about products.

7. Help your friend move

8 Secrets of great savers - Two men unloading boxes from moving vanCredit: Hero Images

Always help friends pack their belongings and load the van when they are moving—this simple favour can save you big money. When people are loading their households into boxes, they usually find items that they no longer need or do not want to bother packing and unpacking. As a result, you can bring home hundreds of pounds worth of spices, frozen food, DVDs, books, toys, furniture and other household items. Best of all, at the end of the day, your friends will still think you’ve done them a favour!

8. Get a reporter’s help

Companies live in absolute dread of looking like “the bad guys” in newspapers or TV news stories. If you have used all the possible ways to air a consumer complaint within the offending company, contact the consumer reporter at your local newspaper or television station. Reporters love “little guy vs unscrupulous company” stories. Once they make an inquiry, your consumer problem will probably be solved very quickly.

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