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Why celebrities today look younger than ever

Why celebrities today look younger than ever
Celebrities today look younger than celebrities of the same age a decade ago, but why? Dr Kiran Juneja explores how skincare has changed
In recent years, it has become increasingly evident that celebrities seem to defy the passage of time, appearing younger and more radiant than ever before. With stars like Kim Kardashian, Andrew Garfield, Priyanka Chopra, Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Bianca Lawson, Mindy Kaling, and Scarlet Johansson seemingly reversing the ageing process, one cannot help but wonder about the reasons behind their youthful looks.
But what are the main factors contributing to the ageless appearances of celebrities, and are these trends attainable for the average person?

The role of skincare and better knowledge

One significant reason for celebrities' youthful appearances lies in the advancements in modern skincare and a deeper understanding of how to care for one's skin effectively. Over the past decade, the skincare industry has experienced a revolution, with scientific breakthroughs and cutting-edge technologies leading to the development of superior skincare products. Celebrities now have access to an array of high-quality, targeted products that cater to their specific needs, such as anti-ageing serums and specialised skin treatments. 
"Over the past decade, the skincare industry has experienced a revolution"
Improved skincare knowledge has also played a vital role. Celebrities often work closely with dermatologists and skincare experts who provide personalised advice, helping them develop tailored routines to address their unique concerns. This knowledge empowers them to make informed choices regarding the right ingredients, routines and treatments for their skin.
With the use of highly active ingredients such as retinols, Vitamin C and hyaluronic, acid we can avoid premature ageing of the skin. 

Evolution of skincare treatments

In addition to superior skincare products, significant advancements have been made in professional skincare treatments. Celebrities frequently undergo innovative procedures that were once exclusive to the realm of the elite, but are now becoming more accessible to the general public.
Chemical peel - why are celebrities looking younger than ever
Treatments like chemical peels are more accessible than ever
Treatments such as chemical peels, mesotherapy, micro-needling and laser therapy have revolutionised the way we combat ageing and enhance our appearances. 

Tweakments and injectables

The rise of tweakments, a term used to describe minimally invasive cosmetic procedures, has also contributed to the youthful looks of celebrities. Dermal fillers, Botox and other injectables such as Profhilo have become more common and refined, offering natural-looking results with minimal downtime.
"The rise of tweakments has also contributed to the youthful looks of celebrities"
These procedures can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, boost hydration to the skin, restore lost volume, enhance facial features and stimulate collagen production all without the need for invasive surgeries.

Holistic approach to ageing

While improvements in skincare and tweakments have played a significant role, other factors contribute to the overall youthful appearance of celebrities. Less stress, improved diets, regular exercise, and modern styling all play their part.
Skincare routine - why celebrities today look younger than ever
A consistent skincare routine is key
Celebrities often have access to personal trainers, nutritionists, and stylists who help them maintain a holistic approach to their well-being. These lifestyle choices, combined with effective skincare routines and treatments, contribute to their youthful looks.

Tips for looking young for longer

While celebrities may have additional resources at their disposal, the following tips can help anyone achieve and maintain a youthful appearance.
Prioritise skincare: Invest in high-quality skincare products suitable for your skin type and concerns. Develop a consistent skincare routine that includes cleansing, exfoliating, moisturising, and protecting your skin from the sun.
Protect from the sun: Sun protection is crucial to prevent premature ageing. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 daily and seek shade during peak sun hours.
"Sun protection is crucial to prevent premature ageing"
Stay hydrated: Hydrated skin appears plumper and more youthful. Drink plenty of water and use hydrating skincare products to maintain optimal moisture levels.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle: Eat a balanced diet rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals. Regular exercise helps improve circulation and promotes a healthy complexion. Adequate sleep and stress management are also essential.
Consult professionals: Seek guidance from skincare experts or dermatologists to create a personalised skincare routine and consider professional treatments tailored to your needs.
It's also essential to remember that ageing is a natural process, and embracing self-acceptance and self-confidence can contribute to a youthful glow that goes beyond physical appearances.
Dr Kiran Juneja is the facial aesthetics lead at Face Teeth Smile.
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