
Four natural remedies for stress management

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16th Feb 2023 Wellbeing

Four natural remedies for stress management
While most people will experience some form of stress during their life, the reaction to it differs between each individual, we look at remedies for managing stress.
Generally speaking, stress is a natural reaction to mental, physical or emotional pressure and can actually be both positive and negative.
However, stress-related illnesses place a massive burden on health services worldwide, although there are numerous ways it can be self-managed.
With that in mind, we take a closer look at four natural remedies for stress management, starting with one that dates back to ancient times.

Meditate every day

A recent study by Betway highlighted that meditating for just 30 minutes each day is the best way to relax yourself before going to bed.
In an age where the demands on our time from family and work appear to be never-ending, this may seem like a massive commitment to make.
However, practicing the mindfulness techniques delivered through meditation allow your body and mind to relax, thus improving your chances of getting quality sleep.
Building time into your daily routine to refocus by meditating will deliver benefits far beyond the 30 minutes you spend undertaking the practice.

Do more exercise

In the spirit of taking more time out of your busy schedule, a plethora of health experts extol the virtues exercising on a daily basis.
Exercise helps to lift your mood, reduce anxiety and can play a hugely significant role in tackling the negative connotations of depression.
Studies have shown that active people are generally happier than those who are inactive, particularly with regards to their self-esteem.
Even if you are super-busy, setting aside just 15-20 minutes per day for exercise will have a significant impact in reducing your stress levels.

Buy a dog

We have all heard the phrase ‘man’s best friend’ when it comes to describing domestic dogs, but the joy they bring to people is not gender specific.
Spending just ten minutes with a dog has been proven to significantly reduce cortisol, which is a major stress hormone in humans.
While dogs are extremely clever, they are also simplistic animals. If you treat them right, they will love you back unconditionally.
Dogs can be very tying if you enjoy an active social live, but the positivity they can bring to your life is well worth the sacrifice.

Get quality sleep

We head back to relaxation for our final stress reduction tip and it is a biggie – make sure you get enough quality sleep.
Stress can negatively impact your sleep and failing to sleep can cause more stress. Ultimately that is a vicious circle you need to avoid at all costs.
Establishing a structured sleep schedule, starting with the aforementioned meditation before bedtime, is the best way to get consistent quality sleep.
Make sure you avoid extensive stimulation in the run-up to sleep and keep digital devices such as smartphones well away from your bedroom due to the blue light they emit.
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