
10 Tips for getting out of bed when it's cold

BY Max Kirsten

16th Jan 2024 Wellbeing

3 min read

10 Tips for getting out of bed when it's cold
With temperatures dipping to freezing (and below!), here's how to overcome the cold winter mornings and get out of bed to start your day the right way
As the chilly winter mornings set in, summoning the motivation to leave the warmth of your bed becomes a daily struggle. The temptation to hit the snooze button and stay cocooned in your cosy haven is stronger than ever.
However, conquering the cold and starting your day with vigour is not an insurmountable challenge. With the right strategies, you can transform your morning routine into an invigorating experience.
Here Max Kirsten, Resident Sleep Expert for Panda London shares ten tips to help you get out of bed when it's cold and kickstart your day on a positive note.

1. Preheat your room

One of the secrets to making mornings more bearable during the colder months is preheating your room. Set a timer on a space heater to warm up your space about 30 minutes before your alarm goes off.
Stepping into a toasty environment makes leaving the comfort of your bed a less daunting task.

2. Invest in quality bedding

Woman sleeping with good quality bedding
Upgrading your bedding to include warm, insulating materials can make a significant difference. Opt for flannel sheets, a thick duvet, and cosy blankets to create a snug sanctuary.
The allure of a comfortable bed can encourage you to face the cold and start your day.

3. Use a programmable thermostat

Take advantage of technology by investing in a programmable thermostat. Set it to raise the room temperature just before your alarm goes off.
"Set a programmable thermostat to raise the room temperature just before your alarm goes off"
Waking up to a warmer environment can make the transition from bed to the rest of the world much more appealing.

4. Morning stretch routine

Woman stretching in the morning before getting up
Incorporate a brief morning stretch routine to get your blood circulating and warm up your muscles.
Stretching increases flexibility, releases tension, and helps shake off the morning chill, making it easier to leave the warmth of your bed.

5. Hydrate before bed

Staying hydrated is crucial, even during colder months. Drinking a glass of water before bedtime not only aids in overall health but also kick starts your metabolism.
"The metabolic boost from a glass of water before bed makes the early morning wake-up call less jarring"
This metabolic boost can generate internal warmth, making the early morning wake-up call less jarring.

6. Create a cosy bedtime ritual

Establishing a comforting bedtime routine can make it easier to face the cold in the morning.
Whether it's sipping a warm cup of herbal tea, reading a book, or practising mindfulness, a calming ritual can make your transition from waking to sleeping and vice versa more seamless.

7. Morning light exposure

Woman opening the curtains of her bedroom
Expose yourself to natural light as soon as you wake up. Open your curtains or, if possible, go outside for a few minutes.
Natural light helps regulate your circadian rhythm, signalling to your body that it's time to wake up and be alert, making it easier to get out of bed.

8. Set a consistent wake-up time

Maintain a consistent wake-up time, even on weekends. This helps regulate your body's internal clock and makes it easier to get up in the morning.
"Maintaining a consistent wake-up time, even on weekends, helps regulate your body's internal clock"
Over time, your body will adjust to the routine, making the process less challenging.

9. Warm up your clothes

Wearing socks in bed that have been heated on a radiator
Place your clothes on a radiator or use a heated blanket to warm them up before putting them on.
This small but effective step can make the act of getting dressed less daunting and provide an extra layer of comfort against the cold.

10. Have a motivating morning routine

Plan a morning routine that excites you. Whether it's enjoying a delicious breakfast, practising a hobby, or engaging in a quick workout, having something to look forward to can make the act of leaving your warm bed more appealing.
A positive morning routine sets the tone for the rest of the day.
Incorporating these tips into your winter morning routine can transform the way you face the chill and energise your day. With a little preparation and the right mindset, you can conquer the cold and make your mornings a time to embrace rather than resist.
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