
Suprising health benefits of adding plants to your bathroom

BY CCL Wetrooms

10th Oct 2023 Lifestyle

4 min read

Suprising health benefits of adding plants to your bathroom
Transform your own bathroom into a relaxing and inviting oasis with the addition of houseplants. Earthy palettes, calming colours, and natural tones can create a tranquil space while cascading ivy leaves and fountain-shaped ferns add a touch of elegance, contributing to your overall health and wellbeing
In addition to their aesthetic appeal, houseplants also offer practical benefits for bathrooms. These include things like helping to purify the air, absorb excess moisture, and reduce mould growth. Wetroom specialists, CCL Wetrooms recommend adding certain houseplants to help minimise condensation and improve air quality, reducing the frequency of costly renovations.
"Adding plants to your bathroom can help to bring a touch of nature indoors and create a more relaxing and inviting space"
Flamingo flowers, with their vibrant red and green leaves, can add a pop of colour and personality to your bathroom, while trailing jade and the Chinese money plant mimic the shape of water droplets, enhancing the sense of movement in a shower room. Adding plants to your bathroom can help to bring a touch of nature indoors and create a more relaxing and inviting space.

Benefits of houseplants in the bathroom:

Plants in bathroom
  • Improved air quality:Plants absorb toxins and release oxygen, which can be especially beneficial in bathrooms, which can often contain high levels of humidity and mould.
"Plants absorb toxins and release oxygen, which can be especially beneficial in bathrooms"
  • Reduced stress levels: Studies have shown that spending time in nature can have several health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety. Adding plants to your bathroom can help to bring a touch of nature indoors and create a more relaxing and inviting space.
  • Increased visual appeal: Plants add a touch of beauty and life to any room, including the bathroom. They can be used to create a focal point, add colour and texture, or simply to soften the look of a space.
  • Reduced condensation and mould growth: Plants can help to absorb excess moisture, which can help to reduce condensation and mould growth in bathrooms.

Tips for choosing and caring for bathroom plants:

  • Choose plants that can tolerate low light and high humidity conditions. Some popular options include snake plants, spider plants, peace lilies, ZZ plants, and ferns.
  • Place your plants in areas where they will receive bright, indirect light. Avoid placing them in direct sunlight, as this can scorch their leaves.
  • Water your plants regularly but be careful not to overwater them. The soil should be moist, but not soggy.

How to use houseplants to enhance your bathroom's aesthetics:

A woman relaxing in a bathtub
  • Place your plants in areas where they will be visually appealing. For example, you could place a plant on the windowsill, on the counter, or in the corner of the room.
  • Group plants together to create a focal point or to add a sense of lushness and greenery.
  • Use contrasting colours and textures to create a visually appealing display. For example, you could group together a plant with dark green leaves with a plant with variegated leaves.
  • Consider using hanging plants to save space and add visual interest.

Houseplants for a relaxing and calming bathroom:

  • Snake plant:Snake plants are known for their ability to thrive in low light and high humidity conditions. They are also very low-maintenance, making them a great choice for busy people.
  • Spider plant: Spider plants are another low-maintenance option for the bathroom. They produce small white flowers and baby plants, which can be propagated to create new plants.
  • Peace lily:Peace lilies are known for their beautiful white flowers. They are also known for their ability to remove toxins from the air.
"Peace lilies are known for their beautiful white flowers and for their ability to remove toxins from the air"
  • ZZ plant:ZZ plants are known for their drought tolerance and ability to thrive in low light conditions. They are also very low-maintenance, making them a great choice for people who forget to water their plants.
  • Boston fern:Boston ferns are known for their lush, feathery foliage. They prefer indirect sunlight and moist soil.
By adding houseplants to your bathroom, you can create a more relaxing and inviting space that is also good for your health. Imagine this, a dimly lit bathroom, inviting and serene. The flickering of a candle casts soft shadows on the walls, while LED string lights drape casually across the mirror, echoing the carefree nature of the ivy plant. The deep green leaves of the prayer plant create a sense of warmth, even in the shadowy space beneath them. As you gently exhale, the Boston fern sways gently in time with your breath.
In this tranquil space, you’ll find peace.
Banner credit: CCL Wetrooms 
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