
5 Tips for healthy running in the summer

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21st Jul 2022 Wellbeing

5 Tips for healthy running in the summer

Summer can be a challenging time to stay motivated, especially when it comes to running.

The heat and humidity can make even the most dedicated runners want to hit the snooze button and stay in bed. However, a few simple tips can help you stay on track and improve your running, even when the weather is less than ideal. Here are five tips for running in the summer:

Stay hydrated

One of the most important things to remember when running in summer is to stay hydrated. When it's hot, your body perspires more and loses essential electrolytes like sodium and potassium. Older runners should be more careful as they face a higher risk of hyperthermia. To avoid cramps, heat exhaustion, and other problems, drink plenty of fluids before, during, and after your run.

For best results, carry a water bottle with you or run near a water fountain so you can take a quick break to drink when needed. Don't forget to rehydrate after your run as well. Drinking coconut water or another electrolyte-replenishing beverage will help you recover faster and keep your body functioning at its best.

Get an early start

One way to make summer running easier is to get an early start. While it may be tempting to sleep in when the sun is just starting to rise, getting out the door early can help you beat the heat. The temperature is typically cooler in the morning, and the sun will become more intense as the day goes on, leading to headaches, dehydration, and hyperthermia.

By starting your run early, you'll be able to get in a few miles before the temperature begins to climb. In addition, getting an early start will help you make the most of your day. Starting your run early will also help you avoid the heat and crowds that often build up later in the day.

Cool down

The heat and humidity during summer can make it difficult to get out the door and even more challenging to stick with your usual pace once you're on the road. One way to make summer running easier is to focus on cooling down after your workout. A post-run cooldown helps to regulate your body temperature and prevent muscle soreness.

It's also an excellent opportunity to rehydrate and refuel. After a hot run, drink plenty of fluids and take a few minutes to stretch. Then, hop in a shower or take a dip in the pool. By cooling down properly, you'll be able to beat the heat and keep your running routine on track all summer long.

Dress appropriately

As the weather gets warmer, it can be tempting to put on your shorts and tank top and head out for a run. However, it's essential to dress appropriately for summer running, or you may feel uncomfortable and overheated. One tip is to choose light-colored clothing, as darker colors absorb more heat.

You should also look for fabrics that are breathable and quick-drying. Don't forget to use sunscreen; protecting your skin from the sun's harmful UV rays is essential, even when you're just out for a run.

Take it slow

One of the best tips for running in summer is to take it slow. It's important to pace yourself when running in warm weather, as overexertion can lead to heat stroke. Slow down your usual pace and focus on running for long, rather than trying to cover a lot of ground quickly.

Pay attention to your body, and take breaks as needed. Drink plenty of fluids, especially water, and try to run in shady areas when possible. By taking it slow, you'll be able to enjoy your run while staying safe and avoiding any heat-related issues.

Running in the summer can be a great way to stay fit, but it’s essential to take precautions. Make sure you drink plenty of fluids and avoid running during the hottest part of the day. Wear sunscreen and light-colored clothing to help keep you cool, and be cautious when running near roads or other areas with high traffic levels. Listen to your body and take breaks if you start feeling overheated or tired. Following these tips can enjoy a safe and healthy summer running season.

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