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How to alleviate back pain

How to alleviate back pain
Back pain can be potentially debilitating, but here are some things you can do to alleviate your symptoms and get you back on your feet in tip-top condition
Most episodes of back pain resolve in time without the need to visit your GP. In the longer term, however, problems often recur. This may be because the immediate cause of the pain – a muscle spasm, sprain or strain, for example – is merely a symptom of a wider problem such as muscle weakness or postural misalignment. For this reason it is important not to ignore the long-term treatment of back pain.
"It is important not to ignore the long-term treatment of back pain"
Simple first-aid measures such as rest, heat treatment or over-the-counter analgesics can help relieve immediate symptoms. Persistent back pain may need professional treatment from a specialist such as a physiotherapist or an osteopath. 

First-aid treatment

Credit: microgen 
Cold treatments such as ice packs may help to reduce swelling and inflammation from back strains and sprains during the first 72 hours or so after injury. Wrap the ice pack in a towel rather than placing it directly onto your skin and apply for no more than 20–30 minutes every couple of hours.
Once the initial swelling subsides, heat treatments such as warming packs, hot water bottles or hot baths may help to ease muscle spasm and block the sensation of pain.


Non-prescription painkillers such as paracetamol are often useful in the short term to relieve back pain. Certain painkillers, known as non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) also reduce the inflammation that often accompanies back injuries, strains and arthritic conditions. Unfortunately some NSAIDs, including ibuprofen, have been linked to an increase in the risk of heart attacks.
Avoid taking painkillers for long periods. Long-term use of painkillers to control chronic back pain may indicate that you need higher doses to achieve the same effect. If you need to use painkillers for more than a few days you should see a doctor to determine the underlying problem. 

Rest and activity

Doctors used to recommend bed rest for almost any back problem and there is no doubt that rest is important. Lying down reduces pressure on your spine and prevents friction between inflamed bones and discs. However, doctors now understand that extended periods of bed rest can actually slow recovery and increase the risk of problems recurring.
"Doctors now understand that extended periods of bed rest can actually slow recovery and increase the risk of problems recurring"
Complete rest may be recommended during the acute phase (the first day or so after an injury) or during painful flare-ups of chronic conditions. But as a general rule, it is vital to get mobile again as quickly as possible.
Light activity encourages circulation (which aids healing), improves flexibility and maintains strong muscles around your spine. A number of studies have found that people with back pain who get back to normal activities quickly feel healthier, take fewer painkillers and are less distressed than those who limit their activities. 

Did you know? 

The longer you are off work with back pain, the lower your chances of returning to work at all – only half of those who take six months off return to work; once you’ve been off for a year your chances of getting back to work are only 5 per cent.
An 8 week study at Queensland University found that important postural muscles become switched off during bed rest. In all nineteen previously healthy volunteers, the lumbar multifidus muscles (the muscles that keep the vertebrae in position in the lower back) grew wasted and inactive.

Back supports

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You should never wear back or neck braces for extended periods unless specifically advised to do so by your GP or specialist. Long-term use of such supports stops you using your muscles and they will quickly start to atrophy, placing you at much greater risk of further injury.

Sports and activities

Credit: The Yoga Institute 
Although exercise is a great way to relieve painful backs, certain activities do have potential risks. Sports that involve constant impact, such as jogging, can aggravate low back pain and contact sports such as football can be dangerous if you have neck problems.
Cycling can easily jar your back, particularly when riding over rough terrain or if your seat is set at the wrong angle or your bike is the wrong size. On the other hand, certain activities bring real benefits. Good sports for bad backs include:
  • Swimming and other water-based activities such as aquaerobics are useful because water counteracts some of the effects of gravity, reducing compression inyour lower spine. Swimming is very low impact and warm water can help to ease muscle spasm. Backstroke is particularly beneficial as it opens up the chest and shoulders. 
  • Walking is low-impact and helps to strengthen your back and stomach muscles without placing them under too much strain. Try to walk with your body held tall and always wear supportive, well-cushioned boots or shoes.  
  • Exercise balls can help you to target your core muscles. The ball places you in an unstable position, so you automatically engage the muscles in your abdomen, back and pelvic-girdle region. These are the core muscles that support your lower back and spine, help you to maintain posture and control your twisting, reaching and bending movements. 
  • Tai chi and yoga are both enjoyable ways to improve mobility, flexibility and muscle tone. The deliberate, flowing movements of tai chi and the controlled stretching required by the yoga poses encourage good postural awareness without straining or jarring your back. 

Physical therapy

Credit: eggeeggjiew
Many of the most common causes of backpain, such as muscle spasm and musculartension, misaligned vertebrae and somepostural problems, respond well to physical manipulation. Common types of physical therapy for problem backs include:
  • Massage to improve circulation, aiding muscle recovery, and reduce tension. There is much to be said for a relaxing rub down from a friend or loved one but there are also a number of professional massage techniques which may particularly help your back. These include neuromuscular therapy, a technique which focuses on areas of muscle spasm (trigger points). If you opt for a professional massage, make sure you choose a fully qualified masseur. 
  • Physiotherapy, which involves a range of physical and manipulative techniques that improve movement, strength and flexibility. Treatment should also address underlying factors that contribute to the physical problems; to get the full benefit it is vital to follow the therapist’s advice outside the sessions and to practise any recommended exercises.  
  • Osteopathy and chiropractic, which are specialised manipulative therapies that focus on combating structural misalignments in the musculoskeletal system. 

Back surgery

Surgery remains a treatment of last resort for back problems. It is unlikely to be used unless other treatments have failed and, even then, the majority of back conditions are not suitable for surgery. Conditions that may benefit from surgery include pinched or compressed nerves and vertebral deformities or fractures.
"Surgery is unlikely to be used unless other treatments have failed"
Tissue removal
During a laminectomy, the surgeon removes a small portion of vertebra or a bony spur to stop it pressing against your spinal cord or the nerves leaving your spine. In a discetomy, the surgeon removes a portion of an intervertebral disc such as a prolapsed disc that is pushing against a nerve.
The surgeon may wish to fix two or more verterbrae together using bone grafts and metal plates, screws or rods. This may be to prevent instability from a fractured vertebrae or to correct aspinal deformity. The fused section of the spine is more stable and can bear weight better, but you lose flexibility and mobility. 
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