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How to make thin hair thick again


23rd Feb 2024 Fashion & Beauty

3 min read

How to make thin hair thick again
Looking to make your hair thicker? Here are a few tricks for adding a bit of oomph to your locks!
Whether your hair has always been on the thinner side or you feel like you've lost some volume recently, many of us dream of having thicker hair. Luckily there are a few strategies you can use to enhance the appearance of thick hair.
First, though, it is important to note that hair thickness largely comes down to genetics, so there will be a limit to how much thicker you can get it looking. Anabel Kingsley, brand president and consultant trichologist at Philip Kingsley, says, "Your hair’s natural texture is genetically determined. So if you are born with fine hair, and have always had fine hair, you will not be able to change this. However, your individual optimal hair thickness can definitely be impacted by a variety of factors."

Take care of your scalp health

According to Anabel, one of the most important things for enhancing your hair's natural thickness is taking care of your scalp health. "A clean, healthy and balanced scalp is best able to support the growth of strong and healthy strands," she says. "We know that a flaky, imbalanced scalp can cause hair loss and also damage hair as it emerges from its follicle.
"One of the most important things for enhancing your hair's natural thickness is taking care of your scalp health"
"Just as you do with the skin on your face, cleanse (ie, shampoo) your scalp regularly. I recommend our multi-award winning Flaky/Itchy Scalp Shampoo and Toner. If you want to support your hair growth cycle, our Density Preserving Scalp Drops are clinically proven to help slow hair loss and reduce shedding."
As well as cleansing your scalp, there is also some research to suggest that stimulating blood circulation to the scalp through massage can promote hair growth and thickness. Incorporate regular scalp massages into your routine using gentle, circular motions. This not only feels relaxing but also helps distribute natural oils, keeping your hair nourished.

Avoid heat damage

Excessive and frequent use of heat styling tools such as straighteners, curling irons, and blow dryers can have detrimental effects on the structure of your hair. The high temperatures from these tools can weaken the protein structure of the hair, leading to various issues that contribute to thinning.
Hair straighteners, comb and hair products
Exposure to high heat can cause breakage, split ends, reduced elasticity and weakened cortex (the inner layer of the hair shaft responsible for its strength and elasticity), all of which can cause your hair to thin. The good news is that hair thinning due to heat damage is not permanent.
To avoid these problems, your best option is to limit heat exposure. However, if you do find yourself reaching for your straighteners, there are a few ways to minimise heat damage. Make sure you use heat protectants before applying heat, and adjust the heat settings to the lowest effective temperature. Incorporating regular deep conditioning treatments into your hair care routine can also help to replenish moisture and strengthen your strands. 

Use the right products

Invest in high-quality volumizing hair products designed to add volume and thickness. Volumizing shampoos, conditioners, and styling mousses can provide temporary lift and make your hair look fuller. Look for products that are lightweight to avoid weighing down your hair.
"Volumizing products can provide temporary lift and make your hair look fuller"
Some good volumizing products include this Volumizing Blow Dry Mist from Olaplex, or GHD's Body Goals—Total Volume Foam.

Eat a nutritious diet

It may or may not surprise you to hear this, but nutrition also plays an important role in your hair's health. Anabel says, "Hair is a non-essential tissue, so it is the last part of us to receive nutrients we ingest and the first to be withheld from. As hair is a needy but essentially dispensable tissue, its thickness, strength and growth are easily impacted by even small dietary inadequacies."
Two friends eating healthy food
"Have 3 balanced, colourful meals a day incorporating proteins (what your hair is made of) and complex carbohydrates (these provide slow-release, easy accessible energy to cells, like those that form your hair)."
Other vitamins and minerals to incorporate into your diet are biotin, zinc, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. These nutrients support hair health from within, contributing to stronger and thicker strands.

Consult a professional

If you are concerned about the thickness of your hair, consider consulting a professional. In particular, if you are concerned that you are losing hair rapidly, it is worth seeing your GP in case it is due to an underlying medical condition such as a thyroid disorder or anaemia. 
Alternatively you may want to see a dermatologist or a trichologist, who can help identify underlying issues and provide personalised recommendations for improving the thickness of your hair.
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