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What are the most expensive breeds of dogs and cats to own?

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What are the most expensive breeds of dogs and cats to own?
Looking to introduce a furry friend into the family? A new study by Aqua reveals which popular dog and cat breeds are the most expensive to own in the UK, and tips on how to budget for a new pet
Over half of UK households own a pet, with dogs and cats being popular choices. But, with all fees considered, how much does it cost to own some of the most popular dog and cat breeds in Britain?
Considering factors like insurance, food, vaccinations, and initial adoption or purchase fees, credit card brand Aqua revealed the total lifetime cost of the UK’s most popular dog and cat breeds.

3 Most expensive dog breeds to own

1. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are the most expensive dog breed to own according to the analysis. Over their nine-year lifespan, owners can expect to spend around £26,161 to care for them, with insurance making up a considerable chunk of this figure at £1,509 per year on average.
"Rottweilers are the most expensive dogs to own, due to insurance and food costs"
This breed is also the most expensive to feed, with food averaging around £2.33 per day—or £850 every year. The average Rottweiler weighs around 7.5 stone (that’s around the same weight as a baby hippopotamus) so it makes sense that owners pay a pretty penny to feed these dogs.

2. Bulldog

Bulldogs rank second in terms of overall expenses, with an average lifetime cost of around £22,606. Despite their medium size, Bulldogs pose a considerable financial commitment for owners due to their specific health needs and potential medical expenses.
With an average weight of 3.5 stone, Bulldogs have an average daily food cost of £1.07, which is more than half of what it costs to feed a Rottweiler.

3. Golden Retriever

The Golden Retriever secures the third spot in terms of overall expenses among dog breeds in the UK. Owners can expect to spend approximately £19,532 throughout the dog's lifetime. When it comes to insurance, the annual cost averages around £643 which is a substantial financial commitment for owners.
However, compared to some other breeds, the daily food expenses for Golden Retrievers are relatively reasonable, averaging at £1.50 per day.

3 Most expensive cat breeds to own

1. Savannah

Savannah breed of cat
Aqua's research identifies the Savannah as the most expensive feline breed to own in the UK. Initially priced at around £1,229 for a kitten, the financial commitment continues throughout their 15-year lifespan, totalling approximately £25,219.
Insurance premiums average at £603 which is more affordable than some other breeds in the ranking.

2. Main Coons

Taking the second spot for the most expensive cat breed is the Maine Coon. Known for its distinctive bushy tail and large size, this breed comes with a lifetime cost of £21,982 over a 13.5 year average lifespan.
"Maine Coon cats, known for their bushy tail and large size, have a lifetime cost of around £21,982"
Insurance for this breed averages at around £672.84, slightly higher than that of the Savannah.

3. Russian Blue

Ranked as the third most expensive cat breed to own is the Russian Blue. Renowned for its elegant appearance and striking blue-grey coat, this breed commands a financial commitment of approximately £20,319 over its 15-year lifespan. Insurance premiums for Russian Blues average £566.40 annually – the cheapest of the top three.

Top tips for budgeting for a new pet

Aqua also shared some top tips to help make taking care of a new pet more affordable: 
1. Plan for initial fees. Initial pet costs are typically higher than ongoing expenses, encompassing not just the pet's purchase or adoption, but also initial vaccinations, veterinary expenses, and necessary accessories. It's advisable to save up for the first year's expenses before bringing home a new pet, ensuring peace of mind regarding the ability to provide proper care.
"Setting aside funds monthly can provide a safety net for unexpected costs with your pet"
2. Create a pet care budget. It's essential to account for ongoing expenses such as food, waste bags, grooming, and litter. Keeping track of the frequency of these purchases allows for the creation of a monthly budget tailored to your pet's needs, ensuring proper financial planning for their care.
3. Prepare for the unexpected. Preparing for unforeseen expenses is crucial when caring for a pet. These expenses could include medical emergencies or the need for boarding while away. Setting aside funds monthly can provide a safety net for unexpected costs. Additionally, having comprehensive pet insurance can mitigate financial burdens associated with veterinary bills, third-party liability, boarding, hospitalisation, and overseas veterinary fees.
Banner photo: Rottweilers are the most expensive dog breed for owners. Credit: David Brown
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