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8 Tips to save energy and money this autumn

8 Tips to save energy and money this autumn
Worcester Bosch shares eight expert energy-efficient heating tips to keep you warm all season long without breaking the bank
As the days grow shorter and the cold weather creeps in, it’s time to start thinking about how to prepare for winter and protect your warmth as well as your finances.
Keeping our families warm and comfortable is crucial, yet a recent survey of 2,000 Brits revealed that only 19 per cent strongly agree that their homes are adequately prepared for the cold weather this year.
Heating and hot water bills are often some of the highest expenses in households, accounting for more than half of our fuel bills, according to the Energy Saving Trust. But worry not: Worcester Bosch, the leading manufacturer of heating and hot water products in the UK, is here to offer simple tips that can significantly reduce these costs.
Martyn Bridges, Director of Technical Services at Worcester Bosch, helps you prepare for winter with these essential energy-saving tips.

1. Schedule a professional boiler check-up

A yearly routine heating system check-up by a professional can help identify any issues and ensure that your boiler is running smoothly. The engineer will be able to make sure all is well with the boiler, checking the combustion settings, changing any seals, etc, as well as conducting a quality check of the water within the heating system.
“It is important to book in regular boiler services, especially following a summer of infrequent use. Not having your boiler serviced could lead to faults, higher energy bills, and your warranty ending early.”

2. Seal up any draughts

Draught-proof your home by identifying and fixing any gaps, holes, or cracks in windows, doors, and even floorboards to prevent heat loss. By doing this, you can save up £90 a year!
"You can save up to £90 a year by draught-proofing your home"
“Ensuring that heat stays inside your home is the most important, and simple way, to help you save money and energy daily. In addition to these simple steps, several other long term solutions can be implemented, including using double glazed windows and fitting curtains, carpets and adding reflective foil to the walls behind your radiators, to ensure you are keeping the heat in.”

3. Take mindful showers

Keeping your shower time to just four minutes could save a household £65 a year, and swapping one bath a week for a shower of the same length could save £14 a year.
 “We know the challenge of leaving a warm shower on a dark, cold winter morning, but by reducing your shower time to just a few minutes, you can save big on your energy bills.”

4. Lower your flow temperature

If you have a combi boiler and are looking to reduce your energy consumption, one thing you can do is lower the flow temperature from the boiler to your radiators.
"Adjusting your combi boiler's heating flow temperature to 60°C will improve its efficiency"
"Adjusting the heating flow temperature from where it is presently to around 60°C will undoubtedly improve the efficiency of your boiler over the coming months."

5. Turn down the dial

A recent report from the Energy Saving Trust suggests that turning down your room thermostat by just 1°C could save around £100 a year.
Person holding a thermostat
“Finding the right water temperature is key to striking a balance between comfort and energy efficiency. It may be a little 'trial and error' initially, and if you don’t feel comfortable enough with the room temperature then turn the boiler temperature control up a few degrees until you do.”

6. Improve your insulation

Your home could be losing up to a quarter of its heat through the roof! So why not improve your insulation to see a reduction in your energy usage and see gas bills savings of up to £250.
"Improve your insulation to reduce energy usage and save up to £250"
“By investing in improved insulation, you can create a more thermally efficient home.”

7. Get smarter with controls

Investing in a smart thermostat allows you to control your heating more precisely and set schedules according to your needs. They can even adjust based on whether you're home or away, saving you money and energy.
"A smart thermostat lets you set schedules according to your heating needs"
“Smart controls provide optimum comfort, keeping our homes warm and welcoming from our smart phone or tablets.”

8. Bleed your radiators

If your radiators are cold at the top but warm at the bottom, then bleeding your radiators is key to ensure your heating is working at full efficiency and keeping your house warm. To do so, insert your radiator key into the bleed screw in the bleed valve which will be at the top of your radiator. Make sure you have a cloth or rag ready to hold under the bleed valve to catch any drips.
After you have released any air from your radiators you will have to top-up the system with the filling loop located near to your boiler.
Hand turns the valve on a radiator
“Air can build up in your heating system over time, causing gurgling sounds, or the tops of your radiators feeling colder than you would expect. It may sound spooky, but it’s completely normal. If this happens, you will need to bleed your radiators to make sure your heating is working at full efficiency and keeping your house warm throughout winter”.
Banner photo: Save energy and money while keeping cosy this winter (credit: Vlada Karpovich (Pexels))
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