
5 Ways to embrace change in your life

5 Ways to embrace change in your life

Rather than worrying about new beginnings and straying from normalcy, here are five ways to positively embrace change in your life...you never know, the grass might just be greener after all 

The devil we haven't met—that's the way lots of us view change. As creatures of habit, we seek—and find—comfort in consistency and predictability.

Switching jobs, schools, or careers or just going from art deco to Danish modern may well turn out to be the greatest thing that has ever happened to us. 

Embrace the unknown 

A woman surrounded by her anxieties at a desk graphic image Credit: SurfUpVector

Change involves endings and loss, and it also means directing our feet to that very scary address known as the unknown. But according to family psychologist Jennifer Hartstein, it's actually the anticipation of change that roils us more than the change itself. 

"It's actually the anticipation of change that roils us more than the change itself"

"Once you've engaged in the new situation and realise it can be managed effectively," she says, "the anxiety and fear subside". 

Feel free to fret 

Instead of judging yourself or trying to dismiss negative thoughts about change, remember that everything you're feeling is perfectly natural and understandable. 

Move forward 

Illustration of family moving house Credit: 360 Production


When the ground is shifting around your feet, think about what you can do to lessen that unpleasant rocking motion. Say you're moving to a new city. Map out the step-by-steps that will get you there: bids from movers, friends to help you pack, online research about your new neighbourhood.

"Identifying concrete, manageable steps and taking action can immediately make you feel more in control"

Identifying concrete, manageable steps and taking action can immediately make you feel more in control and help you visualise the positives that lie ahead. 

Find a cheerleader 

Friends hugging Credit: GrafVishenka

When you find yourself clinging to "the way things are" and avoiding changes that could represent fresh opportunities, turn ton the people who believe in you and can help you feel confident and positive about the challenges you face. 

Change the way you feel about change 

Steve Frisch, a Chicago-based clinical psychologist, says those most adept at adapting to the sight of new business cards or the moving truck at the front door are people who can reframe a situation. They find the upside to upheaval—like the chance for career growth, to start over, to make new friends.

"Those most adept at adapting...are the people who can reframe a situation"

It's the businessperson saying, "This job will give me a chance to increase my client base, but I'll still have my old clients." It's the father-of-the-bride saying, "I'm not losing a daughter; I'm gaining the son I never had." 

Soon, says Dr. Hartstein, "you will find yourself excited by what's ahead."

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