
Why you should eat more nuts and seeds

BY Fiona Hicks

15th Dec 2017 Wellbeing

Why you should eat more nuts and seeds

Nature's own fast food, nuts and seeds, are filling, satisfying and—unlike many other convenience snacks— healthy.

Why not pass on the party canapés and opt for the nut bowl instead? Here are some of the best:



Several studies have found that consumption of almonds is associated with a reduced risk of heart disease. This may be because they’re a rich source of monounsaturated fat, which lowers cholesterol when eaten in place of saturated fat (found in full-fat dairy and meat). Almonds are delicious tossed in your favourite spices and lightly roasted.


Cashew nuts


One serving of cashew nuts contains almost 100 per cent of your recommended daily allowance of copper. This trace mineral contributes to a number of important functions in your body, including healing scratches and scrapes. Try blending cashew nuts to create a smooth nut butter—it tastes like white chocolate (really!).




They look a bit like brains and, funnily enough, they’re good for your brain too! Walnuts contain allimportant omega-3 fats, which are converted into a fatty acid in your body that assists with brain cell repair. Try pairing some chicken breast, avocado and walnuts with iceberg lettuce for a satiating lunch.


Pumpkin seeds


These inexpensive seeds are a good source of zinc, a mineral that’s essential for a healthy immune system—so eating them daily could help to ward off the season’s sniffles. Their nutty flavour and crunchy texture makes them great for sprinkling on everything from salads to homemade muffins.


Sunflower seeds


Just 35g (or a good handful) of sunflower seeds contains over 80 per cent of your daily recommended intake of vitamin E, which has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect. Stir a couple of tablespoons of seeds into your morning scrambled eggs to liven up their taste and texture, or simply eat whole for a filling snack.