HomeHealthHealth Conditions

The Impact Colder Months Can Have on Your Health

2 min read

The Impact Colder Months Can Have on Your Health
Historical Google Trend data from the previous 5 years shows that searches for ‘seasonal affective disorder’ spike from the end of October to mid-January. Here, Specscart reveals the impact the colder months has on the skin, mind and body and adoptable ways to safeguard your health.   


During the winter season, various eye issues can arise due to harsh weather conditions. Excess tearing and watery eyes, often caused by cold air and icy winds can lead to eye redness and inflammation. This can often be due to dry eyes from the combination of entering and exiting the cold weather and rooms that have been heated with central heating. 
How to avoid 
Using eye drops can be effective to help restore normal vision. Wearing sunglasses provides protection against UV rays and helps reduce sensitivity and can also reduce the impact of strong winds hitting your eyes. If your eyes are red and inflamed, applying a cold compress over the eyes can alleviate discomfort and reduce any swelling from entering and exiting different temperatures. 


As the seasons shift, the cold air brings noticeable effects on our skin, often manifesting first in dry, chapped lips and irritated, cracked skin on exposed areas like hands and fingers. This is due to the low humidity and dry air typically associated with winter weather. Even indoors, heating systems tend to produce equally dry, hot air.  
Having hot showers, while comforting, can make skin dryness and itchiness worse. Transitioning from the cold outdoors to warm indoor environments can lead to skin redness and inflammation, as blood vessels rapidly adapt to the temperature change for your skin in these dry conditions. 
How to avoid 
To combat the effects, consider incorporating exfoliators into your daily skincare routine to eliminate dead skin, and opt for richer creams or facial oils to provide an extra layer of protection. Don’t forget to use a suncream daily, even in poor weather conditions as the sun’s UV rays still penetrate cloud cover. 
If symptoms persist, consult an optometrist as they can help prevent serious complications or vision loss if you are severely affected by the colder weather. 


With its short days and chilly temperatures, the winter season has more than just physical impact on your health. One notable effect is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression believed to be triggered by reduced daylight exposure. In winter, the extended periods of darkness and lower sunlight availability can contribute to feelings of despair, low energy levels, increased appetite, and social isolation. 
How to avoid 
Focusing on mental well-being, such as indulging in spa treatments for relaxation and rejuvenation, can be an effective way to alleviate depressive symptoms and escape the winter blues. Don’t get stuck indoors, even when cloudy you can still benefit from the benefits from the suns light. Eating a healthy diet and regular exercise can go a long way to improving your mental health state. Some people find benefits from using a light box designed to mimic sunlight and can be most beneficial when used in the mornings. 


Reduced activity levels during winter months can contribute to joint pain. In colder temperatures, synovial fluid, the cushioning liquid within joints, tends to thicken, hindering smooth movement. This can lead to stiffness or a "creaky" sensation in the joints. 
Additionally, changes in barometric pressure, influenced by weather shifts, can cause slight expansion of joint tissues, resulting in discomfort. Those with previous joint injuries may experience heightened nerve sensitivity during cold weather, leading to increased pain.  
How to avoid 
To avoid the stiffness feeling it’s important to get moving and keep it consistent. Stretching every day, regular exercise and staying warm in colder temperatures will help prevent any joint pain. 
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