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Keep waking up at night to pee? 6 tips that can help

3 min read

Keep waking up at night to pee? 6 tips that can help
Do you find that you are ‘up and down’ in the night, needing the loo? Waking at least once most nights to pee is called ‘nocturia’, and it affects many people from their midlife and beyond due to declining hormones and issues that arise as we age.
But this constant waking to pee can be really disruptive to our sleep, with many of us struggling to nod back off and finding ourselves fighting exhaustion throughout the day. 
We’ve partnered with bladder care company, Jude, to explore six ways to manage nocturia. Jude’s mission is to break bladder taboos and open up conversations about incontinence to help people improve their quality of life.

What is Nocturia?

Nocturia, simply put, is the frequent urge to urinate during the night. If you are waking at least once every night (or most nights) to pee, then you likely have nocturia. But it’s not just about the inconvenience of waking up; it's about the difficulty in returning to sleep, which can lead to a cycle of poor rest and daytime fatigue. 

What should you look out for?

Whilst the main symptom of nocturia is the need to wake in the night to pee, other symptoms may include:
  • Urgency to pee, at any time of the day
  • Finding you need to go more often during the day and night
  • Difficulty in getting back to sleep after waking up to wee

Can it be treated?

The good news is that yes, you can treat nocturia. Often, this will involve a number of lifestyle changes, but occasionally you may need further intervention from your GP, who can prescribe medications to manage the frequency. Adding supplements to your diet, such as Jude’s Bladder strength supplements that are rich in bladder friendly pumpkin seeds can also help with issues like nocturia. 

Here are 6 tips to help you manage these night-time interruptions:

1. Make sure you are peeing correctly
Did you know that many adults aren’t actually peeing properly? Emptying your bladder fully is important to help manage nocturia.
To pee correctly, simply sit on the loo with your feet flat on the floor, and lean forward so you can place your elbows on your knees. If you still feel that you haven’t fully emptied your bladder, try rocking backwards and forwards gently. For men, it’s time to sit down on the loo and take your time - when you stand to pee, urine can sometimes retain (despite gravity doing it’s thing!)
2. Limit Fluid Intake Before Bed 
Reducing your fluid intake before bed can help - and specifically, try to not drink caffeine or alcohol a few hours before you are ready to sleep. Both of these can irritate the bladder and increase the production of pee in your body, leading to more dashes for the loo.
3. Try Jude’s Bladder Strength Supplements
Supplementation can really help to boost your diet for your health, especially if you have specific areas of your body to target, like the bladder. 
Image of a bag of Jude's supplement to help with bladder strength
Jude’s supplement contains a powerful mix of pumpkin seed and soy germ extract, both natural botanicals that are clinically proven to reduce bladder leaks and night time urination by up to 70%. The soy germ extracts act as a natural substitute, boosting the pelvic floor strength; while pumpkin seed extracts promote relaxation and muscle build, which is vital for bladder control. 
One Jude customer says, “Dry nights! Jude supplements have made a big difference – I no longer have to get up several times in the night.”
Reader's Digest members can enjoy an exclusive 20% off Jude’s Supplements using code READER20. This offer is a single-use discount for new Jude customers only.
4. Pelvic Floor Exercises
Improving the strength of your pelvic floor is a great first step to improve control of your bladder. Both men and women benefit from pelvic floor exercise, and if you are new to Kegels, check out Jude’s Pelvic Floor Beginners Guide. 
5. Bladder Training
We don’t recommend not peeing when you need to go, but it’s worth considering ‘retraining’ your bladder to go longer between wees, if you can. Jude’s Bladder Care Handbook is a useful resource to help with lots of hints and tips for retraining the bladder.
You can also try raising your calves whilst lying in bed. Raise your heel ten times, and the urge to pee will ease. This is because there is a shared connection between your calf muscle and the nerves that control the bladder!
6. Check with your GP for underlying conditions
There are a few conditions that can cause nocturia and frequent peeing, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Constipation can also cause frequent peeing and nocturia, because of pressure on the bladder means that it can’t fill properly. If you suspect that you have any of these conditions, you must see your GP first. 

Exclusive Reader Offer

Reader’s Digest members can enjoy an exclusive 20% off Bladder Strength Supplements from Jude. Click the link below to have your discount automatically applied. This offer is a single-use discount for new Jude customers only.
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Banner image credit:  Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash

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