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Jokes about work to get you through the day

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Jokes about work to get you through the day
A collection of joke about work and modern working situations.
Work is something we can all relate to in varying degrees, we all work to make a living and or have a career but how we relate to our work environments and experiences will naturally differ. One thing we may all share is funny or awkward situations (we've all been there!), which may be the one unifying feature for every adult in the workspace.

1. Some people say the glass is half full, some people say the glass is half empty.

Engineers say the glass is twice as big as necessary.
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2. I told my boss I needed a raise because I'm so good at math.

He said, how do you figure?
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Illustrated workers lauging

3. How many computer programmers does it take to change a light bulb?

None, that's a hardware problem!
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4. Someone has stolen my Microsoft Office and they are going to pay for it... You have my Word

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5. My boss told me to start every presentation with a joke

So, I introduced myself as their new boss.
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Person working 1

6. I asked my co-worker if they wanted to hear a construction joke

They said, 'I'm still building up the courage.
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7. I work at a calendar factory

It's a great job, but it's hard to get days off.
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8. My boss told me to stop acting like a flamingo...

So I had to put my foot down.
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Person working 2

9. Why couldn't the guy be a full time fisherman?

The net income wasn't enough
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10. Why do SEO’s love the farmers market?

Lots of organic content!
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