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How water heaters can reduce utility bills

Water heating is the second largest energy expense in our homes after space heating and cooling. So, what can you do to reduce your monthly water heating costs and save more money? We’ve compiled 4 practical tips for you.

Consider  investing in a more energy-efficient water heater

The average life expectancy of storage tank water heaters is 10 to 15 years. However, this can vary depending on the quality of water used, unit design and quality of installation and maintenance. If your heater is not working efficiently as it used to, it could be a sign that its useful life is coming to an end. Your plumber can help you check your heater to determine its condition.
It’s much better to replace an old, faulty and inefficient water heater than to continue wasting money and time repairing it constantly. If you want to save space and money on your utility bills, then you should seriously consider replacing your old heater with energy-efficient models like tankless water heaters. According to Top Ten Water, these heaters heat water quickly only when your family needs it. This helps to prevent standby energy losses associated with tank-style water heaters, making them more energy-efficient.

Reduce the temperature on your water heater to the recommended setting

The thermostat on most water heaters set at 140 degrees Fahrenheit by default. This high water temperature puts your entire family at risk of getting burned. It also results in considerable energy losses that increase your energy bills. It, therefore, makes sense to lower the temperature on the thermostat if you want to reduce your energy consumption.
Go to the place where the hot water heater is installed, and check it’s current set temperature. If it’s set at 140 degrees Fahrenheit, reduce it to 120 degrees Fahrenheit - the recommended setting for consumer safety. By doing so, you’ll be able to lower your water heating costs by up to 10%.

Insulate your water heater storage tank

Most new models of water heaters come with storage tanks that are already insulated to prevent them from losing heat. However, if you have an older model, there’s a high possibility that it’s not properly insulated. This can lead to loss of energy while hot water in the storage tank is waiting to be used. Wrapping the tank with the right size of insulated blanket helps to prevent heat from escaping from the tank.

Flush sediments from your water tank

Lastly, consider draining sediments from your water tank regularly if you want to extend the lifespan of your heater. Over time, sediments will build up in your heater forcing it to work harder when heating water. The harder it works the more energy it consumes. Draining sediments from the tank at least once every six months will make your heater to operate more efficiently and use less energy.
It’s possible to reduce your monthly energy bills and save money by making some changes in the set up of your hot water heater. However, if your heater is growing old and inefficient, it’s wiser to replace it with a more energy-efficient model. There are several options available in the market, so take your time to find the right one for your home.

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