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5 Autumn interior trends (according to the experts)

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5 Autumn interior trends (according to the experts)
Ready to gravitate towards bold and inviting blues this season? Tricia Guild, founder of Designers Guild, reveals how to create a space that’s full of optimistic hues
More people claim blue as their favourite colour than any other according to various pieces of research, but what is it that makes blue so universally loved? Is it the soaring optimism of the endless blue skies that it symbolises, the calm, expansive freedom of the ocean, or perhaps its pensive purity that evokes such strong feelings for many of us?
"Blue in all its many guises offers a variety of different styles, from crisply utilitarian to lavishly rich"
Many consider blue a cold and difficult colour to use, yet the simplicity of a blue and white room is a timeless statement. Blue in all its many guises offers a variety of different styles, from dramatic to ethereal, from crisply utilitarian to lavishly rich.

Start small

If a little hesitant to bring this hue into the home, start small, whether it’s a cushion, towels, a candle, or even tableware.
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Blue cushions are a great way to start small and incorporate a pop of colour into your design. Vivid, patterned cushions can be used as a way of complimenting other blues within your space, ensuring your design doesn’t feel too uniform and still makes an impact. Playing around with smaller blue accessories is a simple way to make spaces feel brighter and more optimistic. 

Blues at your feet

What better way to embrace a wonderfully dramatic new season, than a bold, elegant new  rug? Blue rugs feel uncommon when we think of recent visits to friends and family, but they are experiencing a rise in popularity, receiving 4,400 monthly Google searches per month in the UK. 
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Blue rugs provide a rich pop of colour that can warm up a room in the winter months. Indulge in block shades of blue to contrast with patterned walls and any abstract designs. Soft textures such as this velvety sheen Eberson Cobalt rug can also add ample snugness to autumnal living spaces.

Blue walls

Blue walls create a feeling of optimism and freedom for when we’re spending more time indoors during the autumn. Pair blue hues with crisp white walls to create that homely, fall feeling—a timeless, light and airy classic! The trend is flourishing again according to our customers and search data confirms we are obsessed, with 4,400 monthly Google searches for "blue paint". Cue the paint shortage! 
"Blue walls create a feeling of optimism and freedom for when we’re spending more time indoors during the autumn"
Blue wallpaper is also a great alternative to paint in order to create an inviting space during the colder months. We’re certainly not shying away from cooler tones this season. In fact, our blue wallpaper is in high-demand, with joyful patterns being among the most popular with customers, as we plan our interiors with self-care in mind. Pair with colourful flower arrangements and bright vases to allow the spring to feel like it’s made its way inside this season.

Brighter bathrooms 

Aqua blues and soft cloud tones are a great addition to our bathrooms, giving us a feeling of refreshment when it comes to conducting our morning routines. Try to incorporate some blue bathroom linens to give your space some more energy than it’s used to.
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Bathrooms tend to be focused on white colour palettes and this can feel overly clinical. Blue towels provide a hint of freshness, whilst still providing a clean and calming aesthetic. For so many of us, the bathroom is seen as a functional space, often lacking in colour and personality, but bursts of blue can transform smaller spaces instantly.

Expand on your blue palette 

Once you’re happy and content with the shades of blue you’ve chosen around your home, you can branch out further by upholstering a piece of furniture—keep the palette tightly controlled and allow pattern and textures to create the energy and dynamism in your space.
For another easy and additional blue touch, textured throws are a must to tap into a happy, autumnal, and cosy feeling. We recommend a combination of blue and green tones to instantly make a room feel vibrant too!
Tricia Guild, OBE, is the founder and creative director of Designers Guild
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