
10 Activities to keep your children away from devices

5 min read

10 Activities to keep your children away from devices
In weaving these activities into your children's daily routine, you offer them a break from screens and rich experiences that contribute to their holistic development
In a world where digital distractions seem omnipresent, finding inventive ways to captivate your children's attention without relying on screens is not just a parenting challenge but a rewarding adventure. Let's embark on a journey through a treasure trove of engaging and imaginative activities, designed to whisk your youngsters away from the digital realm and immerse them in a world of creative exploration and meaningful connections.

1. Nature exploration

Step into the great outdoors with your little explorers, transforming your backyard into a magical realm where they can discover hidden treasures, observe insects and create nature-inspired art.
Consider crafting intricate fairy houses from twigs, setting the stage for imaginative play and fostering an appreciation for the wonders of the natural world. Organise a scavenger hunt with themed clues, sparking their curiosity and turning the backyard into a canvas for their imaginative adventures.

2. Creative crafting

Create a haven for artistic expression by setting up a crafting corner stocked with an array of materials to satisfy even the most creative cravings. From painting and drawing to experimenting with recycled materials, encourage your children to let their creativity run wild.
Engage them in themed craft projects, such as creating personalised holiday decorations or crafting imaginative creatures, fostering a sense of accomplishment and pride in their artistic endeavours.
Mom and daughter playing

3. Storytelling sessions

Transform a cozy corner of your home into a storytelling nook, complete with soft cushions and blankets. Encourage your children to immerse themselves in the enchanting world of books by creating a collection of their favourites.
Take storytelling a step further by crafting DIY puppets and hosting puppet shows, allowing them to bring their favourite characters to life. This interactive approach not only cultivates a love for literature but also enhances their communication skills and imagination.

4. Kitchen adventures

Turn your kitchen into a bustling culinary laboratory where your little ones can don their chef hats and aprons. Involve them in age-appropriate cooking or baking activities, fostering a love for experimenting with ingredients and learning valuable culinary skills.
From decorating cookies with colourful icing to preparing simple, kid-friendly meals, the kitchen becomes a space for creativity, exploration and shared family experiences.

5. Puzzle mania

Introduce the captivating world of puzzles as an engaging alternative to screen time. From jigsaw puzzles featuring their favourite characters to brain teasers that stimulate cognitive development, these activities offer a relaxing yet challenging pastime.
Choose puzzles based on your child's interests, whether it's a favourite cartoon character or a captivating landscape, making each solving session a delightful adventure that not only entertains but also stimulates their problem-solving skills.

6. Science experiments

Transform your home into a scientific wonderland with easy and safe DIY experiments that cater to their natural curiosity. Create erupting volcanoes with baking soda and explore the magic of static electricity using household items; these hands-on activities not only provide an insight into scientific principles but also ignite the spark of curiosity and wonder. Set up a designated science corner where they can conduct experiments, fostering a love for inquiry-based learning.
DIY crafting

7. Outdoor sports

Encourage an active lifestyle by turning your backyard into a sports haven for your little athletes. From simple games like hopscotch to creating mini golf courses or organising relay races, these outdoor activities promote physical fitness, coordination, and teamwork.
Tailor the activities to their interests, whether it's creating a makeshift obstacle course or a family Olympics, fostering a love for movement and healthy competition. It’s a bonus that they get some workout in as well!

8. Gardening escapades

Embark on gardening escapades with your little plant enthusiasts, teaching them valuable lessons about nature and responsibility. Allow them to get their hands dirty planting flowers, herbs or vegetables, nurturing a connection with the environment.
Create a dedicated gardening space for them, complete with child-sized tools, where they can witness the growth of their green companions and learn the importance of care and patience. Take it one step further by starting a gardening journal in which they can collect samples and learn the names of different plants.

9. Family game nights

Revive the joy of traditional board games and card games during family game nights, transforming your living room into a realm of laughter and friendly competition. From classics like Monopoly and Scrabble to modern strategy games, these activities provide not only entertainment but also opportunities for bonding, strategising and fostering a sense of fair play.
Rotate the game selection to cater to different preferences, ensuring everyone gets a chance to choose their favourite. To raise the stakes, incorporate playful punishments for losers and reward for winners!

10. Music and dance party

Ignite a love for music by creating a musical haven at home where your children can explore different genres, experiment with musical instruments, and have impromptu dance parties. Encourage them to create their own playlists, showcasing their unique musical tastes.
Whether it's forming a family band with makeshift instruments or simply dancing to their favourite tunes, these activities stimulate creativity, coordination and a shared appreciation for the joy of music. Consider introducing them to basic musical concepts, allowing them to explore rhythm, melody and even basic music composition.
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