
Could bed bugs be affecting your mental health?

5 min read

Could bed bugs be affecting your mental health?
There’s no such thing as monsters under the bed… But what if there is?
What if the monsters have infested your whole bed, invading your most sacred and intimate haven: Sleep. The time when you’re least aware, least protected. The time you take out to rest and have a break from the rest of the world, but now you wake up to find your body full of insect bites, red swellings and itchiness. You’re under attack when you’re most vulnerable, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
Sadly enough, this is not the beginning of the horror story. This is a story about the real consequences that thousands of people suffer, after finding out that bed bugs have infested their houses. But where do these bloodsuckers come from?

The bed bugs' evil plan

You clean your house everyday, you take very good care of your hygiene, and you know your family members do, too. So how on earth did those bed bugs find their way into your house?
"All it takes is just one female bed bug to hitch a ride from an infested place you visited"
Bed bug infestation does not have anything to do with how clean your house is, at all. All it takes is just one tiny devilish female bed bug to hitch a ride in one of your bags, clothes, or any possession really, from a previously-infested place you visited. Once it arrives, it hides away from plain sight. A female bed bug that is healthy and well blood-fed can lay from 2 to 5 eggs every day, producing all ways from 200 up to 500 eggs in its lifetime.

Signs your house is infested

They’ll always hide away from sight, inactive at day and crawling around at night. You’ll find them in the corners of your cupboards, in your mattresses, your bed-frame, carpets and bedroom clutter. They’re so good at hiding that you might not see any bed bugs at all, but if you look closer, you might see some signs of their infestation:
  • You might see black to brown stains (their excrements) on your linens and mattresses
  • You might see some blood stains, the remains of an accidentally crushed bed bug
  • You might also see some of their shed skins

Mental health toll

Bed bugs don’t transmit diseases, and in most cases, don’t result in serious physical problems. Yes, they do suck your blood, and they bite almost any area of your body, leaving some dots and surrounding inflammation indicating the area of the bite. You don’t feel the bite itself, as they numb your skin while piercing your it with their proboscis to drink your blood. This might sound scary, but what’s more scary is the mental and emotional toll that comes with it.

Becoming scared of shaming and judging

If you’ve never experienced having your house infested by bed bugs, you’re probably thinking that we’re making a big deal out of a silly thing. “So what?”, you might snort, “Just spray them off and get your life back together”.
"Getting a bed bug infestation is emotionally and mentally draining"
This is one of the main reasons why getting a bed bug infestation is more emotionally and mentally draining, than physically. You’re embarrassed of saying that out loud, as it may be an indication your house is not clean. You might feel ashamed about getting affected mentally or emotionally, as you might be judged as mentally “weak”.

Social withdrawal and isolation

Due to the social pressure you feel, you try to avoid getting exposed to it at all. You start to become more and more socially withdrawn and isolated, instead of seeking help. It’s getting worse, and the worse it gets, the more isolated you become.

Bed bug psychosis: sleeplessness, resulting in anxiety, paranoia, even depression

They might not harm you severely physically, but the scariest part is to wake up from sleep having bed bug bites all over your body. It’s the thought that every time you’ll go to sleep, you’re offering yourself as a victim to these bloodsucking creatures. You begin to lose sleep, start developing anxiety and paranoia, and become too tired that you need to rest but you can’t. The blood suckers are still waiting for you!

Regression of previous mental disorders

We’re talking about how badly a bed bug infestation could affect a completely mentally stable and health individual. It wouldn’t come as a shock to know that it’s much worse for those who suffered from previous incidents of mental disorders, even worse for those still suffering.

Financially draining

Getting rid of the infestation in your house is even draining financially. From searching for good and trusted companies to fumigate the house, to trying out every product out there. Miss just one tiny little bug, and then you find yourself starting the nightmare all over again when they come back. Most often than not, you need to throw away many of your furniture and possessions as they cannot be salvaged.
Bed bug

Staying bed bugs free

Taking the necessary precautions is then essential to control an existing infestation, or to prevent one from occurring in the first place.

How to control infestation

According to the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the best approach to controlling an existing infestation is through combining the following:
  1. Using monitoring devices
  2. Removing the clutter in which bed bugs could possibly hide
  3. Applying heat treatment
  4. Vacuuming
  5. Sealing cracks and openings
  6. Using non-chemical pesticides
  7. Using efficient chemical bed bug sprays and pesticides.

How to prevent infestation

  1. Take proper precautions while traveling, as bed bugs usually find their way into your house by hitching a ride over your own possessions. If you spend the night in a hostel that looks shady, take care to keep your luggage away from the bed, cupboard or carpets. Don’t unpack your clothes into the cabinets. Carrying around a bed bug spray can be really effective and convenient for these kinds of situations.
  2. If you’re moving into a new house, it would be best to check for any kind of infestation before settling in and use a professional bed bug service if there is one..
  3. Take care with purchasing new (used) furniture, as it’s one of the biggest sources of getting bed bugs into your house.

Stand tall against the shame

There’s no shame in being affected by bed bugs. It’s been announced by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) that bed bugs are a public health pest that affects the mental, emotional, physical and financial health of the individuals.
"Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed about getting your house infested with bed bugs"
Don’t feel ashamed or embarrassed about getting your house infested with bed bugs, or about feeling emotionally and mentally disturbed by that. Seek help, approach trained authorities to deal with the infestation and keep the health of your family and yourself safe.
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