
Best bedtime routine for a good night's sleep


24th Oct 2021 Wellbeing

Best bedtime routine for a good night's sleep

You’ve drunk the hot chocolate milk and tightened that cool eucalyptus bedding. The night lamp is on, and you've dressed in those comfy pyjamas.

But, as you lie down on the bed, there is nothing except for the discomforting silence and your scattered thoughts. Who knew having a goodnight's sleep could be so difficult?

Well, my friend, you are missing the magic formula in the entire situation; bedtime routine.

According to a study by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, a consistent bedtime routine leads to better sleep quality and overall performance in children. The same applies to adults.

You see, following a bedtime routine helps our brain distinguish between day and night. Its syncs back to the natural circadian rhythm and allows you to sleep soundly at night.

So, in today’s post, we have discussed the topic in detail to help you create the best bedtime routine for a goodnight’s sleep. Good luck!


Bedtime routine & its importance

Bedtime routine refers to all the activities you do every night in the same order before sleep. These tasks can be as simple as brushing teeth or applying moisturizer. However, this routine should not last more than 30 to 60-minutes for adults.

Keeping the bedtime routine longer will make your brain focused on the task at hand, and you’re more likely to become more awake and determined to do it than sleep.

For children, the bedtime routine should be no longer than 10 to 15-minutes. Please note, school-age children and teenagers may take slightly more time before sleep.

Benefits of bedtime routine

As mentioned before, bedtime routines help your brain distinguish between day and night. It trains itself to slow down and relax once the nighttime approaches. Hence, it helps you clear your thoughts and sleep better.

Well, the benefits of a bedtime routine stretch beyond that.

                     Bedtime routine can help maintain skin health and keep wrinkles at bay.

                     It helps reduce anxiety and stress.

                     You will wake up feeling refreshed, energetic, and more productive.

                     Fulfilled sleep improves brain activity. Your memory, intelligence, and thinking abilities will experience a great boost.

                     In children, bedtime routines can significantly enhance mental health and focus.


Is there a perfect time to sleep?

No, there’s no one fit for all. The perfect time to sleep differs from individual to individual. And, the only important factor that plays a part in it is circadian rhythm.

Circadian rhythm refers to our internal clock. It’s the natural sleeping schedule set by our brains. This particular schedule tells us when to sleep and wake up.

Ideally, the circadian rhythm matches the sun pattern. Thus, we automatically start to feel sleepy once the sun is down.

For most healthy adults, the best time to go to sleep is between 10 pm to midnight. Meanwhile, some might find it ideal to go to bed even as early as 8 pm.


How to create the best bedtime routine?

Creating the perfect bedtime routine may take some time, effort, and practice. But it's worth the benefits you get!

Here’s how to create the best bedtime routine in simple steps:

Find the bedtime

As discussed above, the circadian rhythm helps decide the time when you should sleep and wake up. So, the very first thing to do is find that time.

For a day or two, let your body dictate you. Sleep and wake up as per your body’s command. If this routine helps you fulfill the required hours of sleep and feel refreshed the next day, then that’s it. You have found the perfect time!

However, if you’re experiencing the opposite, your circadian rhythm may be messed up in the first place. You need to fix it.

Practice sleep early-wake early strategy for some time. Your body will automatically adjust back to its natural cycle and dictate you the perfect time.

Once you’ve found it, calculate the time for your bedroom routine. For example, if your perfect time to sleep as per circadian rhythm is 10 pm, you should start your bedtime routine at 9-9:30 pm.


Practice a few activities

Now, take time to decide what activities you want to include in the bedtime routine. You may do several smaller tasks or one big one. But, whatever you do must be simple.

Usually, people prefer reading a book or journaling. A majority also associates bedtime routine with hygiene practices. For example, taking a hot bath, brushing teeth, changing clothes, etc.

However, avoid using electronic devices before sleep. The blue light emitted by these gadgets can suppress the production of the sleep hormone melatonin.


Make your bedroom comfortable

Once you’ve decided upon a few activities, it’s time to focus on your relaxation place; the bedroom. Your bedroom should be comfortable and soothing.

Here are a few things to ensure that:

                     Opt for soft, high-quality bedding and pillows

                     Use weighted blankets and eye masks

                     Block out the lights or buy night lamps

                     Close windows and doors for silence


If you follow all these steps, then there is no way you won’t have an effective and the best bedtime routine for a good night’s sleep. Do let us know your thoughts below!

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