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What are Endopore dental implants?


9th Sep 2021 Health Conditions

What are Endopore dental implants?
Endopore dental implants is the newest implant system in dentistry. It has many advantages when compared to other different kinds of dental implants.
What are Endopore dental implants?
The Endopore or Endosteal dental implant refers to the type of implant where a screw-like piece of steal is implanted in the jawbone to replace the root of a missing tooth in a patient’s mouth.
This implant fuses with the bone during a period of time, the metal used in this implant is safe and long lasting.
Types of Endopre implants
There are three different types of Endopore implants which mainly differ in the way each of which is shaped:
  1. Screw or threaded: as the name suggests, this kind of implant is shaped exactly the same as a screw and is threaded in the jawbone instead of the tooth root.
  2. Cylinder: it is also a type of implant that is inserted surgically in the jawbone.
  3. Blade Implants: this kind of implants is used in cases when a patient has a narrow ridge.
Candidates for Endopore implants
Dentists determine which patient is eligible to this kind of dental implants upon examination. Clinics like Dentakay will ask for ex-rays and will make a thorough examination to propose a treatment plan to their patients.
The criteria that make a good implant candidates are:
  • General health.
  • Good oral health.
  • Healthy gum, tissue and bone.
  • Bone density and jawbone formation.
Dentakay will also advise their patients to stay away from tobacco products and have the ability to commit to the treatment.
The procedure
The procedure takes in most cases is a two-phase procedure. The healing process takes several weeks to months.
  • As we mentioned earlier it starts with a complete and thorough oral examination, patient’s medical history is also relevant.
  • The procedure then starts by exposing the jawbone to drill holes in the bone where the implants are going to be placed, the dentist at this point may use a surgical guide to determine exactly where the implant should be installed.
  • After inserting the endopore implant the dentist will use sutures to close the gum.
  • In a period of two to six months after the first phase the implant will infuse with the jawbone to form a solid root to carry the artificial tooth or teeth. 
  • The next step after making sure that the bone and the implant are fused completely is to reopen the gum to install the abutment, which is the piece that extends above the gum and carry the new tooth.
  • The final step is to put the artificial tooth on the abutment after two weeks from installing it, as the dentist will give you some time for your gum to heal completely before this last step.
This type of dental treatment is both expensive and time consuming that is why any patient who is considering to go under this procedure has to choose the best clinic to ensure the best possible results.
The success of any medical treatment is dependent on the patients’ commitment, following your doctor’s order and maintaining your general and oral health are among the many factors that affect the success of having endopore implants.
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