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5 Reasons why CBD may not be working for you

7 min read

5 Reasons why CBD may not be working for you
CBD, technically known as cannabidiol, has become an increasingly popular supplement in today's world.
More and more people each day are choosing to try CBD oil and other CBD products for themselves. However, even the best CBD may not be able to offer all of the benefits that a user was looking for.
While there is a great deal of hype around CBD, the truth is that it is a simple compound like everything else in the world, and while it may be beneficial to the healthcare regimen for many, for others it may not offer much in the way of benefits at all.
But why do some people feel the effects of CBD strongly, while other people seem to feel no effects at all? In this article we are going to explore the five main reasons why CBD may not be working for you and what the simple remedies to these issues may be.

CBD & your body interact in a variety of ways

Before we delve too deeply into why CBD may not be working, we should first be sure we have a basic understanding of what CBD is and how it works within us.
CBD is a cannabinoid, one of over a hundred cannabinoids that can be found within the cannabis plant. The cannabis family of plants can be a bit confusing since laws as much as science has dictated their classifications. For example, marijuana is cannabis with a high THC content, while hemp is cannabis with a low THC content (and a much higher CBD content). It is also worth noting that CBD and THC may both come from cannabis but affect our body in very different ways. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive, and will not cause you to feel “high”.
CBD and other cannabinoids found within the cannabis plant interact with cannabinoid receptors within our endocannabinoid system. Without getting into too much detail, this endocannabinoid system is found throughout our bodies and is how CBD may be responsible for helping people in so many different ways.
For example, we have seen claims of CBD being used to aid wellness treatments in much the same way as medical marijuana and medical cannabis. CBD has reportedly been used to help relieve symptoms of health conditions such as multiple sclerosis, Lennox-Gastaut syndrome, Dravet syndrome, and chronic pain. Perhaps most famously, the drug regulatory agency in the USA approved the use of Epidiolex, a drug based on CBD, for treatment of the symptoms of epilepsy.
Most people who take CBD today claim to take it for some form of pain relief or as a replacement for more harmful antidepressants. Currently, the medical community has no consensus on the efficacy of CBD for these issues however many studies are currently under way and the medical usage of CBD is becoming a more common thing each day.

5 reasons CBD isn’t working for you

The following are the five main reasons you are not getting what you expect out of your CBD supplements.

1. The consumption method you use

There are a whole host of ways to take CBD including oils, tinctures, vape pens, edibles, creams, and even niche things like shampoos and inhalers. However, each of these methods will take effect in your body slightly differently and the method you are currently using may not sync up well with either your needs or your unique body chemistry. Make sure you research the method of CBD you are taking and experiment with popular alternatives.
Some important points on consumption methods:
  • Topical creams are better for more localized issues, like muscle pains and anti-inflammatory needs, and are likely not going to work when it comes to usage for digestive or mental relief.
  • Edibles like gummies first need to pass through the digestive system before they enter the bloodstream, meaning less than 20% (the bioavailability of CBD is between 13% and 19%) of the CBD you eat actually goes to work providing some form of relief.

2. You are using a CBD isolate product

As we touched on before, CBD interacts with your endocannabinoid system as do the other cannabinoids like CBN, CBG, and even Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the terpenes and flavonoids found naturally within the cannabis plant.
Studies have shown that when you take a full-spectrum CBD product, which is a form of cannabidiol that contains the full suite of natural compounds found in the cannabis plant, that you will benefit from all the compounds working synergistically together. A significant amount of anecdotal evidence suggests that this natural interaction, called the entourage effect, can potentially have much more powerful health benefits.
If you are taking a CBD isolate you are not benefiting from the potentially powerful entourage effect and this may be a reason as to why your CBD product is not working for you.

3. Quality and dosage

Another issue is that the CBD market is rife with poorly made or mislabelled products that may not be giving you the proper dose of CBD at a high-quality level. Although the government has initiated some regulation, the CBD market currently does not have uniform standards for all aspects of the business and thus it can be hard to sort through all of the noise to find the items worth buying. In some cases, you may even find things like hemp seed oil being mislabelled as CBD oil
In order to avoid these low-quality products, you want to look for brands that offer you the Certificates of Analysis of third-party lab testing results. These lab results will allow you to see if the product contains any harmful pesticides, as well as letting you see its overall purity and potency.
You want to find quality products from trusted brands that offer you lab results from independent test laboratories, and who derive their CBD from organic hemp, which will result in cleaner flowers and subsequent products. The best CBD is often grown in Colorado, but there are many farms in other US states and Europe that are beginning to offer strong competition. Try to avoid companies relying on mass-produced hemp.
The classic customer reviews are also a good final line against buying poor quality items. Make sure that the CBD you are buying has made plenty of happy customers in the past. Most people who use CBD have had to try one or more brands before finding the product they were most happy with. Do not be afraid to shop around.

4. Tolerance, genetics, and metabolism

If you are not feeling the expected effects from CBD another issue may be that your internal chemistry is simply not working well with the CBD. It may be the method of CBD that you are taking is not readily absorbed into your body, or that you have a naturally high tolerance.
For example, some scientists theorize that roughly 20% of people may have naturally high levels of cannabinoids, meaning they are likely able to handle stress better but will see less positive results from taking further cannabinoids like CBD.
There is no easy way to tell if this is why you don’t seem to be benefitting from CBD, though you may be able to talk with your doctor about other forms of supplements that you may have a better reaction to. It could be as simple as a brand change, or as dramatic as a switch to a whole new type of compound.

5. CBD may need to build up in your system

Sometimes you simply need to be patient. The endocannabinoid system is not like other internal systems and sometimes the way we interact with it is a little different. Cannabidiol usage is not like simply taking a pill and walking away, in some cases, people need to wait up to two weeks before they see benefits from CBD use! Of course, this will heavily depend on the benefits you are seeking and your method of consumption.
Give a product time, and allow your body the time to fully adapt and utilize the cannabinoids you are putting into it before you totally give up on a product.
The truth is that much of the science around CBD is very young and is currently focused on the possible benefits of CBD usage, and not so much the mechanisms around how these benefits occur. This means you may need to do a great deal of research and testing to find the product and method that is perfect for you. Giving it time may just be the trick that works for you.

Are you ready to give CBD another try?

If you are reading this article then that means that you have likely tried CBD in the past and were not fully happy with the results. Hopefully, this article has shown you that one or two missed attempts does not mean that you need to give up on CBD just yet.
There are a ton of ways to take CBD and the variations when it comes to quality are great. Be patient and give yourself time to find the absolute perfect brand for your needs. When you do, your body will thank you. We recommend buying from Blessed CBD via our CBD store or reading through our best CBD oils and best CBD gummies buyer’s guides.
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